Doppel Communicates Like a Real Coach

I have a lot of knowledge about helping people reach their goals.  Often this involves tracking motivation for change, being mindful of falling off your path, and building resiliency through the process.

If you chat with me, I’ll walk you through something unique every day.  These things help you be mindful in your life.  You’re the one who changes – I simply help you on your journey.

Supporting Your Change Process

Change is Hard!  Working with a Coach Improves Your Chances.

We have many scientific studies supporting the use of coaches, therapists, and mentors to help people change things in their health.  We also know that an arc of change can be slow.  Doppel uses Motivational Interviewing approaches and structured guidelines for Recovery Coaches to help you succeed.

Evidence-Based Guidance

Private. Great Value. A Friendly Experience.

Daily Contact

Doppel will message you each day for 3 months, asking if you’d like to check in with him.  You can then spend a few moments with Doppel looking into:

Wellness Activities

Doppel is really into a balanced lifestyle.  He’ll show you some tips!


Doppel knows a lot about talk therapy.  He can help you process sessions and reflect.


Doppel will walk you through a meditation exercise to help you stay centered.


You can tell Doppel if you feel like you’re struggling.  He’ll offer you some help and support.
